Drones and YouTube – Get the Best of Both worlds

YouTube has just introduced two new channels that will allow you to view drone footage. The first of these drone channel is dedicated to providing drone footage and videos from companies that use this form of aerial photography. These include both private individuals who are using such services and the military. While these two organizations often work together, the military has been using drone footage for some time now. The hope is that drone footage can help them get more out of war, possibly saving lives.

drone youtube channels

You will notice that there are a couple of staff members in the videos, and you will even see some with the DJI Phantom 3 drone. If you do not have a camera of your own that you can attach to your personal quad, you may not be able to view the drone footage. It must be noted that the UAVs used for this type of filming are very expensive. The upside is that you can now watch drone videos in the privacy of your own home.

A second channel that is available on YouTube is dedicated to news coverage of drone footage. Here you will find news reports from all over the world about drone use. In many cases, there are videos available from conflicts areas where bombs have been dropped on suspected terrorist targets. While not all the videos are made by actual journalists, many are made by regular folks who wish to share their firsthand experience with drone flights. While the likelihood of you seeing a drone strike before it happens is low, it does not mean that you cannot see firsthand what is going on. The news stations report these events as they happen.

This channel also shows drone footage from combat zones. When there is fighting, they seem to get the choppers in position very quickly to scout out the potential targets. They then let the owners of the planes know that they have drone footage to show if anyone should attack. Many people who own private planes have been found to have taken the tapes to show when they need to engage in aerial surveillance.

These are just two of many of the available YouTube channels that now specialize in drone video. There are several others that are smaller, with only around five or six videos listed at the time of this writing. The good thing about having so many options is that you can look through them all and find the ones that interest you. Not everyone wants the same type of footage, but there is bound to be one that catches your eye.

If you’re interested in drone footage and what it can be used for, YouTube offers several different options for getting it. You can research the topics and use the search engine to try to locate videos that are already available. You may be able to ask a friend who already uses drones in some capacity for help too. That way, you can get all the tips you need before you get your hands on some drone footage of your own.