Explore North Sentinel Island With a Drone

North Sentinel Island is one of the most remote places in the world where people still live a primitive life without any contact with modern society. The tiny island is surrounded by lush greenery and pristine azure waters, and it’s home to the elusive Sentinelese tribe. These primitive people have lived in isolation for thousands of years, and they’ve been unaware of any advancements that have taken place on the rest of the planet. But now, thanks to a drone pilot and his amazing footage, we’re getting a glimpse into their world.

The North Sentinel Islands are part of an Indian archipelago in the Bay of Bengal and are considered “protected areas.” These areas are off-limits to tourists and explorers because they’re inhabited by people who have chosen to remain isolated from the outside world. In order to visit the area, you’ll need a special permit from the government. The permit is required because the Sentinelese people treat anyone who enters their territory as enemies. They’ve been known to lash out at any stranger who ventures too close, including a missionary who was killed by the tribe in 2018.

According to Survival International, there are 100 uncontacted tribes living in seclusion around the globe. However, the North Sentinelese tribe is arguably the most dangerous of them all. There are only a few recorded instances of outsiders encountering the tribe, and all have ended with tragic results. For example, in 1975, National Geographic published dramatic photographs of the Sentinelese shooting arrows at a seaborne “friendly-contact” expedition of Indian anthropologists and filmmakers.

It’s estimated that the population of the Sentinelese is around 50 to 200. No one knows what their language is, what laws they might have, or even what god they might worship. They’ve managed to survive on the remote island for centuries because they’re so averse to the intrusion of outsiders. Whenever an intruder approaches, the Sentinelese often respond with gestures and exclamations that are meant to convey warning or, in the worst case scenario, with volleys of arrows.

To explore North Sentinel Island, you’ll need a drone with a long range. Autelpilot Store recommends using the Dragonfish VTOL UAV, which can reach an image transmission distance of over 15 kilometers. The UAV also features a powerful GPS autopilot and a high-definition camera, which means you can capture the best footage of this mysterious tribe.

The images captured by the drone show the tribal members adorned in traditional clothing and body paint. The footage also shows the villagers spearing fish and poling their dugout canoes across the lagoon. It’s interesting to note that the tribal people aren’t completely naked, as they’ve woven leaves and vines into their garments for warmth. Additionally, the tribespeople wear elaborate headpieces and a variety of body paint colors. It’s fascinating to see these unique photos of a remote island that has never been seen before. The photos are sure to spark curiosity and inspire others to learn more about the Sentinelese people.