Getting Started With Drone YAML

drone yml

If you are looking for a continuous delivery pipeline, Drone is the solution. It offers a wide range of features including an interactive version control system, toggle of active repositories, and webhooks for pipeline execution. It also integrates with Github to start doing your job once you commit or push a change. Once you have made a change, Github will fire a webhook signal that your Drone will catch. Then, it will do the job on your Git repo.

The main difference between Drone and Jenkins is that Drone uses Docker containers, whereas Jenkins uses a UI to configure it. Drone also supports Docker networks, which makes it easy to spin up containers for testing. You don’t need to worry about setting up a separate environment for each step. You can use the same build template for multiple projects. Once you are done, just modify it as needed and your YAML will reflect the changes.

Drone uses a Docker daemon that runs within the system container. This provides uniqueness and persistence to all Docker clients while increasing pipeline throughput. For instance, Telegraf collects building metrics from Drone’s own dockerd and Cadvisor collects detailed resource utilization stats from each container. In addition, Prometheus stores and displays the collected information in a timeseries database. The resulting timeseries can be viewed and analyzed to understand how the drone is performing.

Getting started with Drone is simple and fast. Once you’ve got the hang of Drone, you can easily start testing your CI pipeline. With the right documentation and configuration, you’ll be ready to build and deploy your first drone application in no time. You can also use this open source plugin to use Docker Hub instead of ECR. You’ll need to grant the right permissions for your Drone server.