Is a Drone Jammer App Really Possible?

drone jammer app

Is a Drone Jammer App Really Possible?

Did you know that there are actually companies out there that are developing a self-driving car jammer for your personal automobile? This technology is still very much in its infancy, but already people are reporting amazing results. In fact, one company says it’s already making a lot of money jamming drones out in traffic. If these types of jamming systems get more sophisticated, then you may be safer to use them than ever before. Think about it:

Radio jamming tools are already available for both the police and officialdom only. Perhaps, sometime in the near future, you may also have an easy to use, self-disabling drone jammer for your phones, or maybe you could create your own DIY drone jammers to help keep illegal drones out of your yard, but right now, this technology is only accessible for the bigger guys. And even if the FCC eventually passes some sort of law allowing private entities to sell their own anti-drone equipment, currently no one is doing it.

So, what can you do about it? You can try to jam the devices out of the air, which won’t really do anything but waste time. However, there are much more advanced anti-drone technologies being developed, and they are starting to hit the market at a fast pace. In fact, there’s a new type of jamming device on the market that will completely disable and remove all aerostats from a defined area. All of the devices needed are quite lightweight, meaning that the average hobbyist should be able to build one of these for less than $100.

The best part is that these do-it-yourself programs are available online. The great thing about the newest technologies like drone jamming and anti-drone is that they are becoming more accessible, meaning that someone with a few hours time and a few simple tools can put them together in their own garage. This opens up a world of possibilities for individuals who are trying to protect their homes, businesses, and pets, all from the comfort of their own home. The future looks strong for drone jamming and anti-drone devices in the near future.

As an example, one company has already designed a program that allows owners to monitor their landscaping from anywhere in the world with just the use of their iPhone. If they see something unusual, such as a flying drone, they can activate the device, which will then jam the drone out of the sky. They can also view live what is going on with their property from their smartphone. The only thing holding companies back from this technology is the fact that these programs require costly software and hardware.

However, even without the need for expensive hardware or software, a new type of drone jammer application is now available. It is called the drone swarmbot, and it is available today for anyone to purchase. As the name suggests, this program is designed to kill off drones on sight. It basically finds the closest drone to the user and disable it. This not only makes aerial transportation much safer but also makes drone jamming a thing of the past.