Drones are becoming increasingly popular, but they also come with a number of rules and regulations. These include drone no fly zones and restricted airspace restrictions. These laws are designed to protect the public, but can be confusing. Fortunately, there are apps that can help you keep up to date on these rules.
The FAA regulates drone flights across the United States, and they set up No-Fly Zones (NFZs) in many areas to prevent unintentional collisions with people and property. To fly a drone in NFZs, you must get authorization from the FAA, which is called LAANC (Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability).
Before you go flying, make sure to check the no fly zone map for your location. You can use a variety of apps to do this, including Hover for iOS and Android, which combines no-fly zone maps with real-time weather data to tell you whether or not you’re allowed to fly.
You can also download an aeronautical chart to see the exact area you’re allowed to fly in and the flight restrictions. Some National Aviation Authorities (NAAs) have digital charts that you can download, while others have links to updated document charts on their websites.
If you’re traveling to a foreign country, you may need to check with your airline about specific no fly zones. In some cases, there may be extra charges if you violate these limits.
To avoid being fined, you should only fly a drone that weighs less than 250g and is registered with the FAA. These drones are lighter and more affordable than larger models, but they must still adhere to all of the typical drone safety rules and regulations.
The first thing you should do before taking your drone out on the air is to look at an FAA-approved app like B4UFLY for guidance. This is a free app that’s designed to help you determine the safety of any airspace before you take off. It’s easy to use, and thanks to crowdsourcing from drone pilots, it updates regularly with new information about airspace limitations and regulations.
There are a lot of different drone no fly zones, and the rules and regulations vary from one place to the next. The most common are those that prohibit drones from taking off or landing in certain areas, such as airports, heliports and military bases.
It’s important to keep a distance of no more than 120m (400ft) from people, and you should never fly your drone or model aircraft over crowds, buildings or in the vicinity of airports. This will keep you from being a distraction to other aircraft, which can be very dangerous if they’re not paying attention to their surroundings.
Other restrictions include flying in Danger Areas, which are designated airspace used for activities like fighter pilot training and live ammunition shooting. These are usually very tight airspace that can be a problem for drones and their operators.
You should also avoid flying near disasters, such as forest fires or floods. These can be a distraction to other aircraft and may interfere with emergency personnel aircraft or their work.