Photography in the Sky

As the name suggests, drone photography is the capturing of video and still images by a remote-controlled or remotely-piloted autonomous vehicle (HUD) or, more usually, a drone. The term drone was first used in 2021 by DARPA, the Advanced Research Projects Agency, as a synonym for “remotely piloted autonomous vehicles”. Drone photography has quickly grown into a huge industry with a variety of specialised camera systems and processing systems. While this article deals purely with photography, it would be of value to anyone interested in the commercial use of drone technology.


Drones, as they are often called, have been around for quite some time. Initially, they operated just in the military arena, such as carrying out air strikes. However, with the coming of a wide range of commercial uses, drones are now becoming an essential component of most businesses’ marketing strategies. They are used for everything from delivering packages to delivering flowers; however, drone photography is fast becoming a critical component of marketing/ Advertising. This article will focus on drone photography.

The uses of drones in photography are varied and the type of work that they can carry out differ widely between different uses. Some of the different uses include filming movies, filming sporting events, aerial views of infrastructure or landmarks, panoramic shots of urban areas, such as cities or shopping centres, and taking high-quality photos of wildlife. Commercial drone use is fast becoming a must-have for most businesses. This is due to the many advantages offered by these aerial crafts. Below we’ll go through some of the main drone photography applications that are currently available:

Night Flight – Although not a primary use of drone use, night flights over populated areas are commonplace for professional photographers. Due to their highly sensitive systems and lightweight, most drones are unable to withstand the harsh light at night. As a result, they must always remain airborne at all times, even if there is no human activity nearby. The great thing about using UAVs to take night pictures is that they can be moved around and inspected from above, whilst still transmitting their information to the controller.

Stunning Aerial Shots – Perhaps the most popular use for drone photography over recent years is providing a truly jaw-dropping aerial view of scenery. Most drone photography is centered around the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan, but the skies over USA are also being put to wonderful use by top-selling author, photographer and Hollywood producer, Christopher Morris. His business, Morris Pictures, has shot over 400 drone photography images across the USA, and his work for clients such as Apple and Showtime has won numerous awards. Drone photography is a perfect example of how a new piece of technology can combine with a talented photographer to create a truly sensational photo. A truly amazing example of drone photography, check out drone photography companies such as Drones RC for an amazing selection of stunning aerial shots.

ZenMuse are another excellent example of drone photography over America, based in Los Angeles. They have over 40 drone cameras strategically located across the city to enable them to offer a one of a kind service to clients who wish to have the image of a city lit up like never before. Their Drones Aerial System can be used for anything from simple surveillance to live streaming video. If you wish to capture stunning aerial views of your location, or need help deciding where to focus your photography on, contact ZenMuse today.